Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Transportation Song

Our new unit in reading is about transportation. We learned the song "Transportation Is the Way" this week in reading and the students really enjoyed it. I told them I would post the words on our blog so they could teach it to you at home! Enjoy!

Transportation Is the Way
Transportation is the way
That we get around each day!
We can take a bus or plane,
Speed boat, taxi, or a train.
We can take a bike or van,
Motorcycle or sedan.
Transportation is the way
That we get around each day!

Books you can expect to be coming home with this unit:
11/23: I See Pam!
11/24: I See Sam
12/1: Can We Go
12/2: We Can Go
12/7: We Can Go
12/8: I Can Go

Also, your student will be bringing home a turkey with sight words in its belly! These sight word turkeys are a great way for students to practice their sight words! If you are driving don't forget to pack the turkey! :)

Have a nice Thanksgiving break!
Mrs. Samuelson & Mrs. Patterson

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