Friday, July 20, 2012

2012-2013 School Year is Approaching

We hope you are all having a wonderful summer and staying cool with these crazy hot temps.  Mrs. Hamilton has spent most of her summer in Moscow, Russia experiencing lower than normal temps.  Either way the summer is coming to a close.  We are both so excited for the 2012-2013 school year.  Below are some important dates that are quickly approaching:

Kinder Camp:
Week A:  July 30- August 3
Week B:  August 6-10

Open House:
August 16   5-7pm
*Please bring your child's school supplies to Open House. Remember to label your child's supplies with a sharpie marker.

School Starts:
Tuesday, August 21st (No School on Mondays)

Looking forward to seeing your child at Kinder Camp.

Mrs. Samuelson & Mrs. Hamilton

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